Dealing With Anosognosia In Seniors

When the senior you care for is unaware that they are suffering when trying to do ordinary chores, you may start struggling to care for them. A senior with Alzheimer’s suffering from anosognosia is unaware of their impairment and may get enraged when they are offered help. They may even start taking their anger out on you when you mention any problems.

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The Benefits of Companionship as You Age

Social relationships are not only crucial for your mental health, but they also benefit your physical health. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 25% of adults age 65 or older are socially isolated. About 33% of U.S. adults over the age of 45 reports they’re lonely.

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In-Home Care: Is it What Your Elderly Loved One Needs Now?

Are you thinking about the benefits that in-home care providers could have on your elderly loved one’s lifestyle? If so, maybe you know they could be helpful, but you aren’t sure exactly what they can do to help your elderly loved one. The truth is that in-home care providers can be helpful in numerous ways. Read more here today about some benefits that these providers can bring about for senior citizens.

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Greatest Foods to Improve the Elderly Immune System

There are many senior citizens who struggle with immune health issues. However, there are numerous foods that can help to improve the elderly immune system. After learning about these options, the next time you or a 24-hour home care provider get your elderly loved one groceries, you can pick these foods up.

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Recovering From a Fall is Easier With Home Health Care

One in four older adults falls each year. In 2019, there were around 16.5 million older adults, meaning 4.125 million people fell that year. That’s more people than the entire population of Los Angeles.

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Supporting Your Dad’s Flu Recovery at Home

The number of flu cases nationwide plummeted during the last flu season, but new CDC data shows the flu is making a comeback in the U.S. Many of the confirmed cases of flu are influenza A (H3N2). This is a variant virus that was first found in humans in 2011. Common symptoms include lack of energy, lack of appetite, coughing, and fever.

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What Can You Do to Help Your Senior to Manage Anxiety?

Stress and anxiety are a normal part of life, to a certain extent. But both can take a big emotional and physical toll on your senior, even affecting her overall health. Managing anxiety properly can reduce those impacts.

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How Can Home Health Care Help a Senior Manage Allergies?

No matter what age a person is, some people struggle with allergies. Unfortunately, as someone ages, it can be harder to manage alone. Seniors may forget to take allergy medicine or even forget what sets their allergies off. Some seniors may struggle with year-round allergies, while others may only suffer from seasonal allergies.

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Tips to Create a Calm Home Environment for the Elderly

Does it seem like your elderly loved one is stressed often, especially when they are at home? If so, the first thing to remember is that their home is supposed to be a safe place for them. It is supposed to be a place where they can relax and feel comfortable. If your elderly loved one is getting stressed in their home, not just relieving normal stress but having activated stress due to their home environment, it may be time for you and companion care at home providers to help them change things.

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Four Tips Your Senior Can Use to Build a Sleep Schedule

It’s possible your elderly family member never needed a sleep schedule in the past. But as she gets older, getting the sleep that she needs might be a lot more difficult for her.

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