Achieving Great Sleep Hygiene Promotes Senior Brain Health

Many elderly people have trouble sleeping. Some elderly people don’t need a reminder of how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. However, if your elderly loved one doesn’t mind extra advice, you can talk to them about recent studies. Some of them indicate the importance of practicing good sleep hygiene. These studies show that good sleep habits can promote brain and physical health. Keep reading to find ways that will help your elderly loved one get the rest they need and deserve.

Get Short Naps Regularly

It can be beneficial to get short naps regularly. Taking naps that last for only 20 minutes can help improve a person’s overall performance during the day. These types of naps can also help a person stay alert and feel more energized. You and home care providers can wake your elderly loved one up after 20 minutes, if they tend to sleep longer than they should.

Avoid Vices

It is important to discourage your elderly loved one from drinking alcohol and caffeine before bedtime. These two things make it difficult for a person to fall asleep. Vices like these can disrupt a good night’s sleep. Alcohol will often make a person sleepy and nudge them to sleep. However, once it begins to process completely, it will wake the person up during the night. In addition, smoking can also make it difficult for a person to get the rest they need. Home care providers or family caregivers can encourage the elderly person they care for to quit smoking for the sake of their overall health.


There are many studies that show 10 minutes of aerobic exercise can help a person sleep better. However, many experts believe that a person shouldn’t exercise right before bedtime. Doing so could stimulate their mind and body, rather than help them get a full night’s sleep. You or a home care provider will have to see what time works best for your elderly loved one to exercise.

Watch Diet Before Bed

Some people benefit from avoiding certain foods before bedtime. Generally, a person who avoids high fat, fried, or spicy foods before going to bed will sleep better. If your elderly loved one does want a snack before they turn in for the night, you or a home care provider could offer them something light to eat. For instance, a small piece of fruit or a healthier snack would be great options.

Proper Bedtime Routine

A proper bedtime routine can really help your elderly loved one get a good night’s sleep. The body can recognize when it is time to calm down and turn in for the night. Your elderly loved one might want to include particular things into their routine which include the following:

  • Take a bath
  • Read a book
  • Turn off lights
  • Turn off television

Taking these steps can also help the body realize that it is time to slow down and make it easier to fall asleep.


Promoting brain health to achieve great sleep hygiene is very important, especially for the elderly population. Getting a good night’s sleep can help improve both mental and physical functions. Encourage your elderly loved one to follow the tips mentioned above.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care services in Temecula, CA, please contact the caring staff at Innovative Healthcare Consultants today. Call us at (760) 731-1334.​​

Published by Nita Vijh-Fautier

Nita understands and respects the desire of the aging population to live independently in their own home and strives to have her company support them with our core expertise in this very important goal. Nita has spent a decade of her life dedicated to the care of her mother as well as remotely assisting in caring for her in-laws who resided in Paris, France. Nita brings to Innovative empathy, compassion, commitment and dedication to serving the elderly and aging population. She has hands-on experiences dealing with all aspects of providing care to the aging population. She has a keen understanding of myriad issues that come along with caring for our aging adults. She has a keen understanding of myriad issues that come along with caring for our aging adults. She has effectively dealt with and mediated family dynamics, medical providers as well as insurance and other aspects of providing care. She is also committed to creating an enriched work environment where our staff of Caregivers are supported in their effort to provide the most optimal care to our senior population. Nita has a Masters in Communication from the University of Dayton (4.0 GPA) and her paper was published in the Health Communication Journal. She has a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and a diploma in Advertising and Marketing. She has attended several personal and professional development courses such as Landmark Forum and UPW with Tony Robbins. She has also completed a course in Business Mastery with Tony Robbins. Nita is a nature enthusiast, an avid traveler, enjoys cooking and dabbling in various cuisines, and learning about other cultures. She speaks multiple languages and enjoys movie nights.

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