Questions to Ask Yourself (and Family Members) if You Want Your Parent to Move in with You

If you have been the caregiver for your parent and are beginning to wonder if perhaps your parent should move in with you, you’ll want to take some time first to consider some important questions.

There can be wonderful opportunities of having an aging parent live with you, but you also need to consider if the move is not only best for your parent, but also for your family. Here are some good areas to evaluate and discuss with your loved ones before you pack up your parent’s belongings and move him in with you permanently.


How is your relationship with your parent? Is it healthy or has it always bordered on toxic or codependent? While living together can definitely fix some old hurts, it can also exacerbate some unhealthy habits. While looking into relationships, also explore your relationships with all of your family. Is everyone on board with having your parent move in? If not, why not? Everyone should be comfortable to freely express their concerns or worries before your parent moves in with you. While you are the primary caregiver, if your parent moves in with you, your spouse, and your children, you all take on that caregiver role in some way.


While moving your parent in with you may help financially in that you and your parent will be sharing expenses, set up some finance guidelines before your parent is moved in. If you hope to have him help pay mortgage or purchase his own food and prescriptions, make that clear. You might find with him moving in, you have to change or reduce your work schedule, plan on that as you make your budget as well.


Not only do you need to have enough physical space in your home for your parent to live comfortably with you, but you’ll also want to make sure your home is safe for your parent. If you have staircases in your home, you’ll need to put handrails up for each staircase. If tripping is a concern, you may need to talk to family members about keeping the floors picked up and items put away a lot more consistently than they have been doing.

Personal Care

As your parent continues to age, it’s likely that the tasks he’ll need help with will continue to increase. Are you comfortable with knowing you may have to help him bathe or use the bathroom facilities? If medical needs increase, will you be able to make sure he takes his medication and/or follows up on physical therapy treatments? You can also look at having someone come into your home to help with some of these tasks, such as a home care provider.

Your Mental Health

Being a caregiver 24/7 is hard work and can be exhausting. Talk with your family about how you’ll still build in boundaries as well as places to find relief when needed. If you don’t care of yourself well, you will not be able to care for those around you well.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregivers in San Diego, CA, please contact the caring staff at Innovative Healthcare Consultants today. Call us at (760) 731-1334.​​

Published by Nita Vijh-Fautier

Nita understands and respects the desire of the aging population to live independently in their own home and strives to have her company support them with our core expertise in this very important goal. Nita has spent a decade of her life dedicated to the care of her mother as well as remotely assisting in caring for her in-laws who resided in Paris, France. Nita brings to Innovative empathy, compassion, commitment and dedication to serving the elderly and aging population. She has hands-on experiences dealing with all aspects of providing care to the aging population. She has a keen understanding of myriad issues that come along with caring for our aging adults. She has a keen understanding of myriad issues that come along with caring for our aging adults. She has effectively dealt with and mediated family dynamics, medical providers as well as insurance and other aspects of providing care. She is also committed to creating an enriched work environment where our staff of Caregivers are supported in their effort to provide the most optimal care to our senior population. Nita has a Masters in Communication from the University of Dayton (4.0 GPA) and her paper was published in the Health Communication Journal. She has a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and a diploma in Advertising and Marketing. She has attended several personal and professional development courses such as Landmark Forum and UPW with Tony Robbins. She has also completed a course in Business Mastery with Tony Robbins. Nita is a nature enthusiast, an avid traveler, enjoys cooking and dabbling in various cuisines, and learning about other cultures. She speaks multiple languages and enjoys movie nights.

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